Friday, October 24, 2008

Just for starters

Just for starters... 

My name is Jacqui and I'm just your regular, average Catholic mom.  I'm married to a great guy, named Keith, and I have two really adorable daughters, Alexandra (Alex) and Sabina (Bina).  We live in a pretty average town and we live a pretty average life. :)  But, I think of myself as pretty fun and witty (but then, who doesn't right?).  

I've got a law degree and a canon law degree.  I work from home as a canon lawyer doing canonical consulting for various dioceses.  I've also had an "ask the canonist" column in the Catholic women's magazine "Canticle".  I've just finished the initial draft of a book on marriage and nullity in the Catholic Church with my regular writing partner, Pete Vere.  Hopefully we can get that to the publisher before they start hunting Pete down....  

However, I've also got a strong creative streak (not that canon law can't be creative... but that's another post...).  I'm "crafty"...  I make tutus, hair bows, woven headbands, "pretty ugly" dolls, scrapbooks and anything else that interests me at the moment.  

I go through the same things that everyone else goes through on a daily basis...  Body issues, insecurities about being a wife and mother, worries about finances, and questions about my faith and direction in life.  It's in this daily living that I think there is room for us to talk about life, i.e. life from the perspective of a hip, Catholic mom!

I want to use this blog to talk about everything that we, as Catholic moms, face in our lives.  I want to talk about being parents and spouses.  I want to talk about being Catholic Christians.  I want to talk about being a woman.  I want to talk about being crazy, sexy and cool! 

So, other hip Catholic mamas out there - let's let our voices be heard! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Hip Catholic Mama! I'm so happy I came across your blog. I wanted to tell you about a very positive experience I had on another Catholic site recently. allowed me to send an eMassCard to a friend going through a hard time in minutes. I think websites such as this one are a new outlet for Catholics, young and old, to express their believes in the our society. I hope this is of some interest to you and your readers. Have a wonderful day!