Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's hard to be sick

Okay, I admit it... I waited WAY too long to see the doctor.  Moms have this uncanny ability to take care of everyone and completely forget themselves.  That was me.  

I knew that I was sick last week... blew it off to being "just a head cold"... but then there was the blowing and hacking of yellow stuff.. but I figured it would pass... and then the stuff started draining from my ears, and I began to wake up in the morning with clothes that felt like I had put them on out of the washing machine...  I'm sure that all of you moms know this experience...  the whole "I can get through this" mantra.  But, then my husband threatened to drag me kicking and screaming if I didn't go to see my doctor (who happens to be my best girlfriend... but that's another post).

So, I went to see Dr. Trish.. and sure enough, I'm sick.  I mean, REALLY sick!  She keeps looking in difference places of my head and saying "Eww" and "Ick!" and "I don't think I've seen something that bad in a while..."  Nice.  

I'm finally on the antibiotics and steroids... and the steroid shot they gave me at the office... and the inhaler because apparently I'm wheezing as well.  Yeah, I'm sick... and that was just yesterday.

Any chance that I've had a moment today to let myself BE sick?  Yeah, right!  Up at the crack of dawn... in my drenched clothes... and getting the kids fed and dressed and myself showered and dressed and fed and medicated... and then getting my husband to work, the kids to school and myself briefly to the Tribunal office to sign some papers... then it's off to the thrift store to find things for my kids' and husband's costumes for tomorrow...  then it's back to Sabina's school for her Halloween party... and then it's home to start on laundry, picking up the house and supper... then the screaming two year old wakes up from her nap... and did I mention that my house smelled like cat pee? So, I had to figure that mess out... and then ... and then... and then...

The good news is, Dr. Trish just called and all of the blood tests that she ran on me came back in decent order... a couple of glitches, but nothing that can't be fixed...  but it doesn't change the fact that I'm sick...

And tomorrow's not looking much better... I have Alex's class Halloween party, because I'm one of the class moms and I'm running the party... and then there's trick or treating tomorrow night...  Oh, and did I mention that there's a craft fair at our parish on Sunday and I have a table and I have like 40 crayon rolls to make before then????  

I want to curl up in a ball and cry... but, I'm the mom.  That's just not gonna happen until I pass out sometime on Monday.

Anyone relate to this???


Stephanie Sarwal said...

I think that moms of schoolchildren are expected to do way too much. Sometimes it seems my life is a constant battle between doing what I think I should be doing and taking care of myself!

Stephanie Sarwal said...

I hope you keep up with your blog. I find it hard to find Catholic moms who are serious about their faith but who aren't trying to recruit me into their movement or club. :) I worked as a tax lawyer for two years before I became a full time SAHM in 2001. I'm currently working on a YA novel and memoir about my time in one of the Catholic lay movements.