Saturday, October 25, 2008

Apparently, I rock!

For those of you who have young daughters, you know that yesterday was the opening day of "High School Musical III," and given that I am the mother of a six year old daughter, I was reminded daily that the 24th was the opening day of said movie.  So, being the hip mama that I am, I was sure to get the tickets WAY in advance, online, and made sure that we were able to see the movie on opening day, if for no other reason than to get my six year old to stop pestering me about said movie.  

I have to admit that I was looking forward to going.  The movies have been exceptionally cute and clean and overall fun to watch.  We even went and saw the traveling Broadway show of the first edition when it came through town (I won tickets through a local moms website).  

We got to the theater and went to the little computer that prints out your tickets if you have bought them online in advance, which was nice given the lines outside of the theater.  However, that was just the first of several lines, apparently.  It has been a LONG time since I've been to an opening day movie, I guess, because I had forgotten what it could be like.  Fortunately, we got there early enough to get our severely overpriced popcorn and drinks and still be far enough ahead in the line beside the actual theater where our movie was going to be shown so that we were able to get our choice of seats when we got inside the theater.  I don't know that I've ever seen so many kindergarten through third grade girls with their parents in my life!  It was crazy! It was like everyone born female between 2000 and 2003 was there.  

And the movie did not disappoint!  It was cute! It was fun!  My six year old danced in her seat throughout a great majority of the movie.  I even caught her sniffling and almost crying at points, and when I asked if she was okay, she said "It's just so sad, Mommy!"  It was adorable!  

My favorite part?  Just spending that time with my daughter.  She is just so happy that we got to go to the movie.  She feels special, and that's all I really wanted.  And as we left the theater, my daughter looked up at me with her perfect blue eyes and said, "Thanks for taking me to see this movie, Mom!  It was the best!  You rock!"


Trish said...

yes you do rock! how wonderful that you two had such a time together. that's the stuff lifelong memories are made of!

Amy said...

Yay for Moms who rock! I bet she'll carry this memory with her for a long time.